Wow! I knew I had not blogged for the last Month or so of 2012, but didn't realize my last post was August! I will use this blog entry to highlight the last 3 months of last year and post a couple pictures from the new year. I should have a new hike or two to blog about next week!
One of the hikes I haven't included yet is Pilchuck. Dave and I took Adventure Dog all the way up to the lookout, and it was gorgeous!
We went on a trip to my Dad's place in Northeastern Washington, and got in some great views on the trip to and from, some wonderful family time, fishing (Cedar had to roll in a rotten sun-baked fish) and some canooing.
Dave and My Dad |
My sister. |
Grouse |
Yours Truly |
I scrambled up Oyster Dome yet again, with Justus and Adventure Dog...
Dave and I took Cedar and Junior on the Iron Goat Trail to get some fall leaf pictures. We got our lovely autumn shots on the lower grade, but when we got to the upper grade, the snow level dropped... right on us! So we got some winter wonderland type pictures as well! It was a really fun and magical hike.
Before Snow |
After Snow |
We got in a nice trip to my Mom and Aunt's beach cabin, and got to join in a crab pot pulling adventure. Not only did we get to be part of the crabbing, but got some fantastic views of the Hood Canal Bridge and saw quite a few porpoises!
My Sis, My Mom, and Me (not in that order) |
So that was the last bit of 2012. This year is looking promising already. The eagles that Dave and I always see on our Snohomish canal dike walk are back. I am calling them Spirit and River.
I was even surprised and delighted to see an eagle from my home-office window the other day! Even from a distance, these striking birds are impressive!
The air quality hasn't been too good, and we have been living in a fog bank for a few days, but such conditions bring about some lovely sunsets!
Due to the very cold weather (for here), I put out some bird seed for the little feathered guys, hoping to help give them energy until the winter warms up a little. I don't think it will be long now... I already have bulbs coming up. Anyway, this cheeky squirrel was scooping up the seeds by the armload.
Happy 2013! Commence the hiking! Adventure on!