Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lake Twentytwo 12-10-11

On a cloudy Saturday Dave, Adventure Dog and I hiked up to Lake Twenty-two.  Most of the trail was clear, but near the top it became icy and then covered with snow.  Around the lake, where the snow was packed down I think there was over two feet of it already, though you could still get all the way around the water.  I got to finally try out my Yak Trax and I totally love them.  On ice and hard packed snow, they nearly eliminate slipping.
Here is Cedar leading the way (as usual).

It was icy out, and there is this really interesting formation of ice from where water is forced out of the ground in a network of tiny ice columns.  I tried to get a good picture of that sprawling, but it doesn't show up very well. Here are some neat icicles too.

Here is a super cool phenomenon Dave and I enjoyed.  Little droplets of water were running along under the ice, looking like little shadowy living things.

Here are some pictures of the lovely snow-clad lake.  And of Dave and Cedar posing in front of it.

Here Cedar is enjoying this winter-wonderland.  Do you see him in this first one?  It was snowing while we were up there, so it was a particularly Christmasy day.

Here is what the difference looks like between a round rock covered with snow and a square rock covered with snow.  Fascinating, no? 

And as we wrapped up our hike up there, there was a raven perched on the bridge in the falling snow. We posed with it for pictures.  Great hike!

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