Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ebey's Landing Revisited

This second visit back to Ebey’s Landing did not dazzle with sun on water, so the gray misty day enticed me to go a little slower and poke around a little more at the information kiosks. 
I read more about the Ebey family, and tried to imagine what it was like to be trying to just live back in the mid 1800’s, especially with the threat of attack.  I looked at a couple of the block houses that were built as a defendable retreat.  One was near where I believe the Ebey homestead was, overlooking the fertile fields, and the other was up in the small cemetery.

I was moved by this headstone that states, that even following her death, this woman and her husband “loved one another still.”  A small plaque said that she had died at 31 giving birth to her 4th son. 
I had gone with a friend and his dog and we found a map which showed where the Ebeys were buried.  We looked at their headstones as well.  Isaac Ebey had been killed, we learned earlier, by natives from the north, beheaded and scalped.
After two days of hiking, putting in over 12 miles, I was happy but also quite tired, and realize how much work I still have to do to be ready for Mt Rainier.  What a wonderful weekend.

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