Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lime Kiln Trail 7-24-11

My Mom stayed a couple more days after Justus and I got back from our road trip, and we managed to fit in a hike.  Lime Kiln has always been one of my favorites, but it was a bit of a surprise to see it in the height of summer.  The path is almost overgrown in places, and mostly with nettles.  We each got stung a time or so, but luckily Cedar didn’t seem to notice them.  In addition, it seemed like someone had been messing with the artifacts.  The bowl (once whole) may have just naturally rusted apart, but there was a saw blade that I’m pretty sure used to be stuck in a tree and now it is laying on the ground in pieces.  I was disappointed.

It was pretty cool to get to hike with my Mom.  She hadn’t been on any of the trails over here with me.  There she goes up the path!
We saw these odd berries that neither of us could remember having seen before.  According to my book, Northwestern Wild Berries, it is a Simple-Stemmed Twisted Stalk.  It’s in the lily family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those -are- weird berries! Almost like strange, single grapes hanging down by a thread. Are they poisonous or edible? The color makes me think maybe not so good to eat, but they resemble grapes, so now I want wine.
