Saturday, July 30, 2011

Road Trip WA ID MT WY CO & Back Again- Part 2

We spent a full day and half in and around Yellowstone. It was amazing!  We saw Old Faithful do her thing, and countless geysers, steam vents, hot springs, mudpots, and fountains.  These things come in every color, from the black or brown of mudpots, to green and azure-blue springs, to orange and red terraced fountains. Wildflowers were blooming profusely here too, and the weather was lovely and sunny.  So sunny that Justus and I both got burned.  Oops.  We also saw the “Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.”  It was very impressive- deep and with a beautiful waterfall.  I think the river carving that canyon is the Yellowstone River.
We also really enjoyed seeing so many animals.  We had a moose in our campsite (outside of the East entrance to Yellowstone on the Shoshone River) on the 1st night, and 2 more moose on the way back to our campsite the 2nd night.  Inside the park, we enjoyed the big wooly bison with their little rust-colored babies, the stately elk, deer, pelicans, many birds of prey, and on the last day we finally saw a bear, a cute little black bear wandering through the wildflowers. 
Now I’m just going to let the pictures do the talking!

We were away from home for a full week and other than gas, we didn’t spend much to do it. I cooked most of our food, and we even had stuffed filet of sole with pasta primavera one night while we were camping, so we did pretty well!  If you can get out there and explore, do it!

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