Saturday, August 8, 2020

Dungeness Spit 08-04-2020

It was a beautiful day to hike out to the lighthouse on Dungeness Spit.  To take precautions for COVID, the trail going through the woods from the parking lot was one way - down to the beach on the "primitive trail" (it was a really nice trail, but meandered more), and up from the beach on the "main trail."  The trails meet for a little bit to go down the bank, and then on the beach there was ample space to maintain social distancing.

The waves weren't big, but meandering down the beach and back for hours hearing them was like a walking meditation.  It was so peaceful and beautiful.

I didn't see a ton of wildlife - a couple seals, I think a mother and baby, a pair of loons, some sandpipers and a lot of seagulls. Due to no dogs being allowed, the seagulls were pretty lax about people walking by and you could get pretty close.

There were some cool footprints on the beach - deer, coyote, and seagull.

I saw 3 of these little red starfish that had died and washed up.

Nature makes the coolest art!  Sculptures in the driftwood and sand...

The tide was going out and as the cool beach sand was exposed to the warming day, mist rose into the air.  It looked really cool.

The lighthouse itself was closed for tours, but the family staying there as lighthouse keepers for the week were super cool. Friendly and informative.  

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