Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cherry Creek Falls 4-21-13

As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.
-John Muir

Today's hike was for John Muir's birthday and I went somewhere new-  Cherry Creek Falls near Duvall, about 5 miles round trip.  I actually met up with my hiking buddy, Dan, and his brother in law.  They each brought a Dog, Clark Kent and Luna respectively.  Despite the misty rain we had a bit of, it was a really fun hike and a very worthy waterfall!

Clark adores the water and spent a lot of time in it, biting at sticks and just enjoying nature as John Muir intended.  Cedar and Luna raced around like rockets, especially Luna who is part saluki, and they were harder to capture on the camera- especially Luna.


Here in the Northwest, things rust and grow moss incredibly fast due to all the water everywhere and the mild climate.  Here, for example is a car wreck we came across that had happened just two days previously.

Haha, just kidding of course. 
There were little streams to cross and large mud puddles everywhere.  It was a bit tricky to find where we were going, as there is quite a network of dirt bike paths and trails going every which way.  I brought the directions listed on the WA Trails Assoc website though, and they were pretty much right on.  Right before the last turn to the falls, you have to cross a small river.  I had to carry Adventure Dog, as the current was too strong.  I didn't get photos there and the videos won't upload here. We all got soaking wet, but it was fun.  : )

And now, without further ado, the Cherry Creek Falls!  These were about 25 ft tall and super full due to all the rain and snow melt.  They flowed into a big pool.  First we came to an overlook, and then hiked down to the pool, where cold mist was blowing off the falls.


1 comment:

  1. Those falls are very pretty. Our waterfall on the Liberty Lake Loop can't compete. It's more like a vertical streambed than an actual waterfall. Lol. I love all of the falls you get to see. Glad all the dogs (and people) had fun!
