Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sauk Mountain 07-22-2018

It was great to do a hike today that I'd never done before!  I left Cedar and Luna home for this one, as I knew it was steep, was going to be hot later, and no water sources along the trail to cool them off.  I got up early to hit this one before the people and while it was still cool out.  The road up was even switchbacks, but then it started out with an amazing view as well.  There was also the cutest little A frame privy I've ever seen.

The trail was loaded with flowers and butterflies.  Tiger lilies, columbine, lupine, phlox, paintbrush, and tons of white sitka valerian (I think).

I was also super lucky to see some wildlife!  I saw a chipmunk that I didn't get a photo of, a Townsend's solitaire and a couple marmots.  This one was right up at the top of Sauk Mt, sunbathing and letting the breeze ruffle his fur.  On the way up I saw a blue grouse right by the trail, as he was booming and giving his hiding spot away.  On the way down I could still here him and it took some looking around, as he was in a tree, surveying what seemed like the entire world.

Can you spot him?  Look for his orange eyebrow.

This ladybird beetle had bars instead of dots.
This trail was steep.  I am still working on getting in shape, so the way up I'd take a switchback or two and then stop for a minute or 2 while my heartrate slowed back down to somewhere in the acceptable human workout range.  Also, I don't know if it was because I'm used to hiking with my fuzzy buddies or what, but I kept getting scared I was going to fall - a couple times my mind played tricks on me and I started thinking the trail itself was sloping, like it wanted to dump me down the mountain.  I had to take a deep breath, regroup and tell myself this was a TRAIL, terra firma.  People were hiking up, people were hiking down, no one was getting bucked off.  It was when I came around a corner and got my first glimpse of Mt Baker WOW!!!  The beauty was like a jolt of mountain mama adrenaline, straight to my courage haha.  I didn't feel scared at all for the rest of the hike!  Thanks, Mama Baker! 

You can tell a little from these pictures how steep the trail was.

The views were breathtaking, heart stopping, spirit filling, beautiful!  So worth every step!

I would have liked to hike to Sauk Lake, but it's a mile and a half down the other side of the ridge I hiked up.  No thank you.  

You can see the trail down to the left of this dinosaur spine ridge

The confluence of the Sauk and the Skagit Rivers

Usually when you're tired at the end of a hike, you are grateful to see your vehicle in the lot at the end.  This was the only hike I've ever been on where I could see my vehicle almost all the way down! 
Starting down the road, and I saw a mother grouse and her chicks.  I waited for a bit but they held their ground, so I drove carefully forward... then they all scattered - mom to one side, some of the chicks with her, some away.  They had feathers and could fly. 

This is a hike I'd definitely recommend and do again.  I don't think I'd recommend dogs - especially if they pull at all.  Also children can probably make it just fine, but as a parent I think I would have had a heart attack just worrying all the way haha. 
Happy adventuring!!

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