Sunday, March 3, 2019

Ebey's Landing 2-23-2019

AppleWatch Stats:  5.27 miles RT, 480 ft of elevation gain.

Most of February we were buried in snow, so it was with relief that the last weekend I got to hit the trail with the dogs.  We went to Whidbey Island to avoid any lingering snow.  It was a gorgeous day - cloudy and breezy, but the sun peeked through and we didn't get rained on.

The promise of rain kept the people away though!  That and an early start.  I didn't see another soul until I got to the top of the bluff where it switchbacks down to the beach, and those people were leaving, so when we got to the bottom it was all ours.  Then at the end of the beach by the lower parking lot there were people, but what a gorgeous peaceful hike it was!

I parked at the Prairie Overlook trailhead up by the cemetary so I could lengthen the hike and get a look at the historic Ebey cabin.

The prairie/farmland itself was lovely too, with birds singing and hawks gliding over watching for voles.

When we reached the bluff, the sun was shining through holes in the clouds to light up the sea in great silver patches.

The bluff isn't scary, but it is steep.  Even if you don't see other people, it's a good idea to keep dogs on a leash.  Not just because of rules, but you don't want your dog falling down or tripping another hiker you didn't notice.  It's really a just a nice little "goat path" along the bluff.  I never see much sign of erosion on this part of the bluff - only at the end where you go down, so it doesn't raise my anxiety level and you can see so much of the water and sky and islands that it really brings an incredible sense of peace and joy.

Once down on the beach you're close enough to observe sea birds, cruising around in the waves.  We saw loons (I think), buffleheads, and mergansers among other things (that I couldn't get a clear photo of to ID later).

The beach itself is also fascinating and it's easy to get mesmerized looking down at all the varied colors of the smoothed rocks as you walk.  This beach also has little dried up kelps sticking out of the sand here and there.  They make me think of that song in the Disney move The Little Mermaid, Poor Unfortunate Souls haha.

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